Why research is your secret weapon
May 23, 2024

May 23, 2024
If you’re a…..
🥫 Sales rep - research will help you understand your prospects and get them to respond to you
🍅 Engineer - research will help you find existing libraries so you don’t have to build from scratch
🍝 Product manager - research will help you understand user behavior and anticipate how they interact with your product
🧀 Designer - research will help you understand how to stand out from competitors
🍽 Customer success manager - research will help you understand the problems your customer is trying to solve
Research gets a bad rep for being slow and too academic. In reality, it separates a lot of top performers from mediocre performers, and it’s often the earliest indicator for someone's ability to learn.
Do research! And even better, research your research! Pending trademark for "researception" 🤓