What data to use to personalize cold outreach

Apr 11, 2024

Which form of personalization works best?

We analyzed over 150 cold outreaches that turned into a discovery call. Which form of personalization did we find works best?

43% mentioned a relevant LinkedIn post from the lead (reposts work too!)
Like a conference they had been to or a new feature they shipped

18% mentioned something specific in the lead’s LinkedIn biography
Like a passion project or extensive experience in a niche area

19% mentioned something specific from the company’s LinkedIn biography
Like the company’s specific sustainability mission or newest product line

Notice what didn’t rank in the top three??
❌ Skills
❌ Job title
❌ Company name

Using these ^ alone may be lethal... So next time you’re doing cold outreach, aim for deep personalization rather than surface level personalization! Hit us up if you need a hand 🚀